Unit 202 Imaging Software
For this unit I have been asked to create a pack of icons for the new DCAS website. Firstly I am going to do some research into what icons are, the sizes and what formats they should be made in.
Icons are usually small images or symbols associated with a subject. Most icons are simple and easily recognisable.
For example the search bar icon on a MacBook is a small circle with a stick, so it looks like a magnifying glass. This is easy to recognise and very simple.
For example icons on a Windows 8 computer, should be in .ico file format. Whereas a Mac operating system should have png icons.
When you make icons you would make it as a png and then covert in into the other file formats you need.
There are a few key shapes for icons, as shown on right.
There are many different sizes that are used for icons to fit different screens and resolutions. Sizes;
64x64, 128x128, 256x256, 512x512, 1024x1024, 2048x2048.
I will be making the icons in Adobe Illustrator.
I have designed icons for each heading on paper.
The first heading I will be making a icon for is ‘What’s On’. I have designed a calendar like icon.
The icons i have designed below are 64x64 and I have designed them in 4 different colours. They are currently png files.
Below shows the difference between a size 128x128 file and 64x64.
I have designed a mega-phone like icon for this heading.
The icons are 64x64 png files and i have design 4 different icons.
Below shows the difference between a size 128x128 file and 64x64.
The next icon is for the heading ‘Contact’.
I have design an icon that is mobile and a envelope to show the can contact us by phone or email.
The next icon is for ‘Staff’.
The icon I have designed is a silhouette of a head and shoulders in a magnifying glass.
Below shows the difference between a size 128x128 file and 64x64.
Images needed to promote DCAS will be images to print such as leaflets, images for the website, to e-mail out, for social media and for a large poster.
1. One of the images will be produced in print eg brochures and leaflets so high quality CMYK 300dpi
2. One of the images used for the website at DCAS RGB 72dpi
3. One of the images as a Email mail out so again lower DPI RGB 72dpi
4. One of the images will be for Facebook 72 dpi RGB
Store and retrieve files effectively, in line with local guidelines and conventions where available;
Derbyshire County Council have policies to keep all their documents safe. Their data protection policy includes everything being properly classified and that everything is managed, handled and stored correctly. Their policy protects electronic information, written information and information shared by others such as phone calls or video conferences.
We keep all computers with sensitive data and documents out of sight of the public so people who need access will have access.
Identify what technical factors affecting images need to be taken into account and how to do so.
The first technical factor is the format and size of the image.
The next factor is compression of the image when it is uploaded online. - simple things look better online because of compression
colour mode
difference between screen and print resolution.
Select and use suitable techniques to create images
edit image - crop and contrast - to improve and tidy up
I selected everything in the image apart from the stage and then turned down the hue and saturation to make the rest of the image look black and white.
Select and use appropriate tools and techniques to manipulate and edit for images;
In this image I cut out the building using the lasso tool, then copied it onto a image of clouds. To make it blend in, I used the eraser tool with a low opacity.